
Finding Your Gideon: An Unlikely Champion in the Face of Adversity

The story of Gideon, tucked away in the book of Judges (chapters 6-8), offers a powerful metaphor for finding the strength to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. Gideon himself wasn't a sculpted hero but an ordinary farmer threshing wheat in secret, hiding from the oppressive Midianites. Yet, God calls upon Gideon to be the unlikely champion who will liberate Israel. Here's how this narrative can guide us in finding our own "Gideon": The Underdog Anointed:  Unlike warriors like David or Joshua, Gideon lacked confidence. He questioned God's choice, stating, "I am the least in my family" (Judges 6:15). This resonates with the times we feel inadequate, the Gideon residing within ourselves feeling too small for the battles we face. But just as God declared to Gideon, "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior" (Judges 6:12), we can discover a hidden strength – a wellspring of courage waiting to be tapped. Divine Recognition: God app

From Surrender to Serenity: Living Each Day Redeemed

  In my last post, I talked about finding redemption in the broken places. Today, I want to delve a little deeper – into the nitty-gritty of living each day knowing God is in control. Now, don't get me wrong, it's not always sunshine and rainbows. Life throws curveballs, the news can be overwhelming, and sometimes you just want to scream into the void. But that's where faith comes in. It's not a magic wand that whisks away problems, but it is a foundation, a steady hand to guide you through the storm. So, how do we navigate the day-to-day knowing God's got the wheel? Here are a few pointers that have helped me: Start your day with Him:  Before the chaos of the world crashes in, carve out some quiet time for prayer and reflection. Read a scripture passage that resonates with you, write down your worries and anxieties, and simply listen for that inner peace. Practice Gratitude:  Even on the toughest days, there's always something to be thankful for. A warm cup of

From Ashes to Light: Finding Redemption in the Broken Places

Life threw me a curveball, one that left me bruised and confused. I grew up in a storm – a storm of abuse that clung to my family like a shroud. My brother, good guy that he was, just couldn't escape the darkness. He chased fleeting comforts, leaned on people who wouldn't hold him up, all the while the enemy whispered sweet nothings in his ear. Codependency, they call it – relying on the wrong people for love, a trap that slowly choked the life out of him. He never found his faith, and that's a burden I carry with me to this day. But even in the wreckage, there's a chance to find hope. My brother's struggle, the pain that shadowed our family – that's the fire that forged my faith. I saw firsthand the destruction that came from chasing fleeting shadows, and I clung all the harder to the teachings of Christ. That's what redemption is all about, you see. It's taking the broken pieces of your life and offering them up to God. It's letting Him mend the cr

Relying on God In Your Battles

Even in our freedom gained through true salvation, maintaining faith that God's plan is still in effect in the face of extreme adversity is difficult.  We are on the training range and the battlefield simultaneiously.   Ephesians 6:13 does not say put on part of the armour of God, but the whole armour of God.  I may still piecemeal my armour but I am learning that God hast to be at the center or actions become mine, not his.   It is a unique perspective to think that when we are on the offense we need to be in a position of surrender. Selfish revenge is not what God had is mind when he said Vengeance is mine. Romans 12:19 -21: Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave iti to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” 20 To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Je

My Brother

If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.  And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother. 1 John 4:20-21 My brother had a personal brand for a while. It was "Dead Existence" Alive, but not really living.  It's been 5-months since 19 Jul 23 when my mother called and at first I thought she was just talking fast as she does sometimes and thought it was a fun conversation at first but I remember the moment in the conversation of Mike and "He died."   The girls and were supposed to go to Orlando--to Universal for a few days or Christian concerts at the park.  I originally was going to reach out to my brother, Mike, and ask him if he wanted to hang out with his brother and 2-Nieces.  My youngest misses him the most.  It was going to be a little surprise because we hadn't talked in over a year or so.  I couldn

Waiting on God When You're Hurting

  Waiting on God When You're Hurting I've been hurting for a long time. I've been through a lot of pain and loss. I've felt like God has abandoned me. But I know that's not true. God is still with me. He's still loving me. He's still working in my life. I'm just having a hard time waiting on Him. I want things to be better now. I want the pain to go away. I want to feel like I'm not alone. But I know that God has a plan for my life. And I know that His timing is perfect. So I'm trying to be patient. I'm trying to trust God. I'm trying to believe that He's good, even when I don't feel like it. I know that waiting on God is hard. But it's also a time of growth. It's a time to learn to trust God more. It's a time to learn to rely on Him more. So if you're hurting, and you're waiting on God, I want you to know that you're not alone. I'm right there with you. And I want you to know that God is good. He's